Monday, 23 July 2012

7 weeks old

Madden is seven weeks old today and weighs 7 lbs 7 ounces.

He still has quite a lot of fluid on him so is probably even a little less. He did get as low as 7 lbs 2 ounces so at least we know he is going the right direction. The plan is still to rest him and get him growing. He is still intubated and does not like the tube but is managing quite well with minimal sedation.

I got to the hospital this morning around 9:30 and he was awake. He didnt go to sleep until I left the unit at 2:30 to have lunch. I figure he is making up for the last 6 weeks that he mainly slept through. He was very alert and following me with his eyes. Its nice to see him doing a few normal baby things.

To avoid surgery in the next two weeks they have Madden on a new medication that is supposed to drop his blood pressure and help to send more blood to his body instead of to his lungs. About an hour after the medication is given it peaks and his blood pressure drops so you have to watch him very closely. If he is settled and sleeping his pressures can drop a little too low at which point you need to bug him to get the pressures back up. If that doesn't work then giving him some fluid usually helps.

All in all Madden has had a pretty good day.

Keep growing sweet boy! We love you as big as the sky. xox.

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