Rounds didn't end up getting to our room until around noon. Usually they do the most critically ill kids first so this is a good thing. When the group comes in (there are about 8 people on rounds in the mornings, RT, intensivist, charge nurse, dietitian, fellows and residents) the nurse will go over the information on Madden and what his vitals are, what meds he is on etc. Basically go through everything and then one of the residents has the opportunity to tell the doctor what they think the plan for the day should be, then the Dr makes all final decisions. Well this particular morning after the nurse was done speaking Dr Aditia looked at me and said "what do you think?" So I told him. He made the few changes that I suggested and left everything else alone.
When they were leaving the room the resident said "I like it when you are here, then I don't have to do anything." To which the Dr responds laughing "it doesn't matter if you like it or not she isn't going anywhere and she isn't going to stop telling us her opinion". The truth is rounds at our bed are usually quite long because I ALWAYS tell them what I think and I ask questions about everything they are going to do. I have learnt a lot and I think I do know what Madden needs most of the time.
Then today at change over time the two intensivists were at the door and the one was giving the other the details on Madden. When they came to the door the doctor said "This is Carly DeLuca, she is the best resource you have for Madden. She knows when he needs fluid, knows when he needs a transfusion etc." I laughed and said "I just share my opinions" and he replied "and she is usually right". It makes me happy that I am able to advocate for Madden and that I know him well enough (medically) to see what it is that he needs.
Today we also weighed Madden. This usually happens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I think both the nurse and I thought that it was Monday so we weighed him. HE WEIGHED IN AT 3.63!!! Now I know he still has fluid on board and that he has lines and a breathing tube attached to him but some of that has to be actual weight because when he was weighed in at 3.2 he also had fluid on, lines in and a breathing tube. So even if he is almost 9 weeks old and not back at birth weight yet he is definitely on his way :)
Madden we love you as big as the sky. xox
I remember reading this post when you wrote it and being so proud of you. It's stll one of my favourites. I think you are the best mom in the world.